As the climate changes, air conditioning units have become essential. When it comes to utilizing air conditioners, some individuals still have certain beliefs. These myths about air conditioning are so persistent that occasionally people accept them as fact. Sometimes these myths can make individuals actually wind up damaging their units. Therefore, for air conditioning installation at your home, you must be aware of the truth.
The following are some common misconceptions about the usage of AC units.
1. Your Air Conditioner’s Size Is Unimportant
The fact is that your room’s size will determine your Air conditioner unit size. Your home’s cooling system will be required to work more if it is too small. And if a system is too big, it will keep turning on and off until it malfunctions.
Consult a professional who can guide you in selecting the ideal AC unit size for your commercial or residential place.
2. Air Filters Don’t Need To Be Changed
In reality, even if you regularly vacuum your house, it’s still a good idea to check the air filters. In the long term, air filters can help you save on your power bill and maintenance expenses.
Get professional air conditioning maintenance services every thirty to ninety days.
3. Reduce The Temperature To Promote Faster Cooling
The truth is that it takes time to reach the desired temperature, regardless of whether you reduce your air conditioner’s temperature or not. You’ll wind up spending more if you lower the temperature than you should and then forget to increase it after the room is cooled. It is best to install a Wi-Fi thermostat to save on energy costs.
4. If You’re Not Home, Turn Off The Air Conditioning To Save Money
However, this strategy only works over a long length of time. It takes more energy for your air conditioner to chill your house if you switch it off before leaving your home for a few hours on a sunny day and again turn it on when you arrive home. Increasing the temperature by a few degrees is preferable then turning it off completely.
5. Using A Ceiling Fan Will Increase The Cooling Effect Of Air Conditioner
The effectiveness of your ac unit is not increased by a ceiling fan.The air in the room is simply circulated by ceiling fans, which do not chill the air.You might be able to raise the thermostat by using a fan along with your air conditioner.You can save money by doing this.
6. Placement Of Thermostat Has No Effect On Temperature Or Air Quality
The effectiveness and efficiency of your air conditioning system heavily depend on where you put your thermostat.Always put your thermostat in the middle of your home, away from any cooling or heating sources, so it can obtain an average measurement of the temperature there.An improperly positioned thermostat can cost you money on energy bills in your house.Your home’s temperature will be precisely measured by a well-placed thermostat, satisfying your need for a regulated atmosphere.

If you are looking for professional HVAC services, talk to experts at Infinity Air LLC. With over 70+ years of combined experience in air conditioning and heating services, we have been offering high-quality services to our clients.
For more information about our services, call us at 1 702 489 6452.